The Indiana Senate Page Program is an interactive educational experience for students in grades 6-12 to learn about state government.
In 2025, the General Assembly will meet from January 8th through April 30th. Pages serve on session days, which are generally on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday of each week. Group Page days are available on Wednesdays but are limited in availability.
There are a limited number of Page positions available, interested students are encouraged to apply early.

Educational, Prestigious, Immersive

The Indiana General Assembly is a part-time legislature, only meeting 10 weeks on even years, and 16 weeks on odd years. During this time, things are very fast-paced and exciting as the legislators are hard at work getting bills passed so that they can become laws.
Indiana law allows Hoosier students to receive one excused absence a year from school so that they can serve as a Senate Page.
Senate Pages have the opportunity to:
- Tour Indiana’s historical Statehouse, including the House and Senate Chambers, the Supreme Court, and an Executive Office.
- Play interactive games on the floor of the Senate that help highlight and teach the legislative process.
- Observe the legislative session directly from the floor of the Senate, listing to debates on important policy issues.