The Page Office is located on the lower level of the Indiana Government Center South Building in room E032. The address is: 302 West Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46204.
There is a public entrance for the building off of Senate Ave. Maps are included at the bottom.
Please note that this is not the State Capitol building. There is not a way to get from the Capitol Building to the Government Center South building without going outside.
We cannot provide parking spaces for your visit to the State House. State parking garages and lots on campus are reserved for state employees’ use only during business hours. There are limited electronic parking meters around the building. As a courtesy, we have listed parking facilities close by:
Parents, legal guardians, or chaperones must accompany Pages to the Page Office in the morning for check-in and must return to the Page Office for check-out at the end of the day, unless the Alternative Adult Release Form is filled out and turned in prior to paging.
Parents, legal guardians, or chaperones are not required to stay for the day. However, they will not be able to participate in the learning activities intended for the Pages or join when Pages go to the floor to observe session. Instead, we kindly ask that those who wish to observe do so from the gallery on the fourth floor or outside of the chamber on the third floor.
Pages are not permitted to drive themselves unless they are of legal driving age and have the Page Student Driver Release Form signed by their parents or legal guardian.
No. We kindly ask that just the students old enough to participate (grades 6-12) join.
The General Assembly is a professional work environment and has a strict dress code for those going out on the floor during session. Having appropriate attire is very important. Also be aware of the type of shoes that you wear. There is a lot of walking throughout the day, so make sure to wear comfortable, yet professional footwear.
Examples of appropriate attire for males: suits, sport coats, slacks, collared shirts, or sweaters. Ties are recommended but not required.
Examples of appropriate attire for females: a skirt or dress (no shorter than fingertip length), dress slacks, blouse or sweater set. If you wear leggings, you must have a fingertip length top. If you wear a dress or skirt, tights or stockings are recommended. Shoulders must also be covered.
Examples of attire that are not appropriate: denim, cropped shirts, cropped pants (pedal pushers, or capris), miniskirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, flip-flops, hats, novelty t-shirts, rompers, tank tops, or tennis shoes.
No. The Indiana General Assembly does not provide lunch for Pages. Pages must provide either a packed lunch or money so that they can purchase lunch.
There is a designated lunchtime for all Pages to go to the Government Center South Cafeteria. In the Cafeteria there is pizza, smoothies, coffee, a salad bar, sushi, and several other options. Please be prepared to spend at least $15 if students plan on purchasing lunch. There is a Snack Shack inside of the Indiana State House that offers a few less expensive options if needed.
Students who are over 18, or who have a parent present, are permitted to go to lunch on their own. Listed below are a few restaurants to eat within a block of the State House: